
AV Collections: Planning a Reformatting Project Webinar Recording Now Available!

Tue, 04/02/2019 - 11:50

In our final webinar of the season, AV Collections: Planning a Reformatting Project, David Neary of the Whitney Museum of American Art’s Media Preservation Initiative discussed moving image and audio assets in the collection—providing an introduction to the different kinds of AV media that are commonly found and regularly ignored, how to prepare for their digitization, and some basic and not so basic methods for digitization. He also discussed options for outsourcing to vendors and how to decide which one is best for your archive and collection.

Click here to view the recording.

Click here to download the slideshow.

Presented free of charge to New York institutions, DHPSNY’s education programs address the needs of professionals and volunteers responsible for the care and handling of historical records. Our webinars address emerging issues and best practices, with content scaled to apply to small- and medium-sized organizations with limited resources.

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