

We just added three new webinars to our spring education schedule! Read more and register below or visit our webinars page for more information. Free for New York institutions, DHPSNY’s education programs promote interactive learning, networking, and collaboration while addressing the needs of professionals and volunteers responsible for the care and handling of historical records.

Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
Presenter: Gillian Marcus, Preservation Specialist,…


The first DHPSNY workshop of the year, Essential Policies and Procedures for Cultural Institutions, is coming up next week on Tuesday, March 7, at New York's Explorers Club. Space is limited, and registration closes at the end of the day on Tuesday, February 28. If you're unable to join us in New York City, there's still time to register for upcoming presentations of the same workshop in Binghamton and Syracuse. Registration for those dates…


There are just a few days left to apply for the current round of DHPSNY's free Planning & Assessment Services! Applications must be postmarked or received via email by Wednesday, March 1, 2017. DHPSNY awards services to a limited number of institutions in three areas: Archival Needs Assesments, Preservation & Conservation Surveys, and Strategic Planning assistance. Visit our Planning & Assessment page to learn more…


Thanks to everyone who joined us Wednesday afternoon for our latest webinar, Know Your Collections: Collections Management. Special thanks to Dyani Feige, CCAHA's Director of Preservation Services, for giving such a comprehesive presentation on a broad range of important collections management topics, such as acquisition, appraisal, documentation and deeds of gift, inventory, and deaccessioning.

If you missed the live webcast, you can view a recording at the link below. Just visit GoToWebinar to fill out the registration form, and you will…


On January 23, we launched our first annual survey to help identify urgent collections care needs in New York State, and the response so far has been tremendous! We have received surveys from institutions in 45 counties, each providing details that will help us better develop future services and programs for the nearly 4,500 New York institutions that we serve.

If you haven't already completed the survey, we still want to hear from you! If you didn't receive an invitation, you can request one by writing us at


Thanks to everyone who attended our first webinar of 2017! We had a great turnout, and it was a nice start to DHPSNY's new season of education programming. Today's presentation was an Introduction to Emergency Planning and Preparedness, and, as presenter Samantha Forsko pointed out, her experiences as a born-and-raised West Coaster--always on guard for a variety of unforeseen natural events--combine with years of preservation experience to make her perfectly suited to discuss this topic. The webinar is packed with helpful information for…


Applications are now open for DHPSNY's free Planning & Assessment Services! DHPSNY awards services to a limited number of institutions in three areas: Archival Needs AssessmentsPreservation & Conservation Surveys, and Strategic Planning assistance. Last season we awarded services to 18 institutions across New York State, and we're looking forward to awarding even more services in 2017. You can visit our Planning & Assessment page to learn…


This is shaping up to be a busy year for DHPSNY, and we're ready to get back on the road in March to present our next series of workshops! Archives Specialist Amelia Parks will lead the daylong presentation Essential Policies and Procedures for Cultural Institutions at three locations in New York City, Binghamton, and Syracuse beginning March 7. You can read more and register below or at our workshops page

Our latest workshop will provide an overview of policy and…


We hope everyone had a happy and festive holiday season! We're excited to be back and ready to announce a new slate of programs for 2017. Last fall, DHPSNY's webinars helped New York's institutions develop and implement new funding strategies, rethink the way they house and maintain their collections, and establish best practices for digital preservation. For the New Year, we've lined up another series of free presentations catered to the needs of small- to medium-sized collecting institutions.

For more information on DHPSNY's education programs, including…


Our first round of applications for Planning & Assessment Services closed on October 18, 2016, and the response was fantastic! After receiving applications from every corner of New York State, DHPSNY, with the support of our advisory committee and field reviewers, awarded services to 18 organizations. Congratulations to the following institutions, and thanks again to everyone who applied! Our next application round will open on January 18, 2017, with applications due on March 1, 2017. Continue to check our…