The deadline for DHPSNY's summer application review period has been EXTENDED to Friday, July 14, 2017! Applications must be postmarked or received via email by the deadline to be considered for the summer 2017 application round. To learn more about each of our Planning & Assessment Services and determine which is right for your current organizational needs, visit our Planning & Assessment Services page.
Earlier this year, we announced that we now accept application materials anytime year-round, with periodic review deadlines announced seasonally. After our summer 2017 awardees have been determined (sometime in mid-August), our next application review deadline will be November 17, 2017. If you have any questions at all about the process, DHPSNY staff is available to assist you. Contact DHPSNY Program Coordinator Anastasia Matijkiw for assistance, questions about eligibility, or additional information at (215) 545-0613 or amatijkiw@dhpsny.org.
Photo: Albany County. Boy sitting at desk, 1929; New York State Archives.