

DHPSNY’s workshops promote interactive learning, networking, and collaboration. Free for New York institutions, DHPSNY’s programs address the needs of professionals and volunteers at institutions that manage unique library research materials and historical records, including libraries, archives, and museums.

Presented throughout the state, workshops emphasize hands-on learning exercises and provide supplemental resources. See below for descriptions and registration for upcoming workshops.


Upcoming Workshops

Basic Salvage Techniques for Paper Collections
Liyah Desher, Education & Outreach Specialist, DHPSNY; Kate Jacus, Preservation Specialist, DHPSNY 
Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

This program will cover the role of wet salvage of paper-based collections as part of a larger incident response. After an overview of emergency preparation and response protocols, participants will take on incident response roles and run through a mock-flood scenario. In this hands-on program, participants will work in groups to salvage and triage a variety of collection items from a pool, including papers, photographs, and bound materials. A post-scenario debrief gives participants the opportunity to review their actions with workshop instructors. 


As always, DHPSNY's workshops are presented free of charge for New York institutions.

DHPSNY has hosted workshops on a range of topics. Past workshop topics have included:

  • Archival Basics
  • Preserving Photographic Collections 
  • Fundraising for Preservation and Conservation
  • Audiovisual Preservation
  • Preservation Planning
  • Mold Prevention
  • Collections Processing
  • Disaster Response and Recovery
  • Paper Collections Care
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