
Lower-Cost Datalogger Quick Comparison Chart

One of the things we at DHPSNY recommend during our site visits is that all collections have stand-alone, independent dataloggers.  Dataloggers can monitor the environment (temperature and relative humidity, as well as other factors depending upon the model) anywhere collections are stored or exhibited.  They provide important information that can help to ensure that your collection is being properly cared for.  Even if your HVAC system monitors temperature and RH, it's important to have an independent device which can verify that the HVAC system is functioning correctly and giving accurate readings.

There's a lot of information out there, and it can be daunting!  Last year, I put together a quick comparison chart on lower-cost dataloggers for CCAHA; this chart can help your institution decide which devices might be best for your budget and needs:

Do you have an environmental monitoring device that you love?  If so, we'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

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