On January 23, we launched our first annual survey to help identify urgent collections care needs in New York State, and the response so far has been tremendous! We have received surveys from institutions in 45 counties, each providing details that will help us better develop future services and programs for the nearly 4,500 New York institutions that we serve.
If you haven't already completed the survey, we still want to hear from you! If you didn't receive an invitation, you can request one by writing us at info@dhpsny.org. Just let us know the name of your organization and the email address of the person best qualified to answer questions about your collections. If your organization is unable to complete the survey online, you can also write us at the same address to request a PDF copy. Your survey answers are very important to us and will directly inform how DHPSNY continues to deliver programming to organizations preserving New York's vast collection of cultural heritage materials.
Surveys are due February 10, 2017.