DHPSNY is excited to announce a new online application platform for our Planning & Assessment Services!
Our new application forms are powered by Submittable. The online platform allows you to save your work and return if you are unable to complete in one sitting, as well as upload a variety of supporting materials directly within the form. Our goal in establishing this new system is to streamline the application process and enable even more organizations to take advantage of our free services.
DHPSNY applications will continue to be accepted year-round, with three review periods scheduled throughout the year. The fall 2018 application deadline is Friday, November 16th. Learn more and apply for each of our services at the links below.
If you have any difficulty with the new system, need assistance in completing the application, or have questions about the services and eligibility, contact DHPSNY Program Manager Anastasia Matijkiw at (215) 545-0613 extension 338 or amatijkiw@dhpsny.org.
Strategic Planning Assistance
DHPSNY is proud to offer Strategic Planning Assistance in partnership with the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON). Together, we have created a six-month curriculum that enables board and staff members to assess an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats under the leadership of a trained facilitator.
Click here to read a blog post with testimonials from institutions that participated in DHPSNY's Strategic Planning process.
Archival Needs Assessments
An Archival Needs Assessment is an excellent way to examine your archival program holistically through an external lens. The assessment looks at how your program functions, identifying what's working, as well as areas of potential improvement.
Click here to read a post about Archival Needs Assessments that we shared earlier this year on the DHPSNY Blog.
Preservation Surveys
A Preservation Survey is a general evaluation of your institution’s preservation needs and is a recommended step for any archival program. In addition to pinpointing areas of concern and recommendations for improvement, a Preservation Survey is a valuable tool in fundraising for collections care and often a prerequisite for grants and other funding opportunities.
Click here to read a post about Preservation Surveys that we shared earlier this year on the DHPSNY Blog.
Condition Surveys
A Condition Survey is a valuable tool for institutions that have previously undergone a Preservation Survey (through DHPSNY or another program) and are now interested in evaluating the conditions of collection materials on a more granular level. Since a Condition Survey is designed to evaluate the materials in a discrete collection, this service will be offered only after an overall Preservation Survey has been conducted.