This blog has previously discussed antiracism and equity work within developing cultural heritage collections, in the specific field of conservation, and in workplaces more generally. In this post, we want to highlight one regional initiative that is promoting antiracism work directly by and for libraries. The Diversity in Libraries Cross County Committee of Nassau and Suffolk County was formed in 2020 “to address the issue of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Libraries.” With the goal to “educate, engage, and create policies and procedures for staff, trustees, and patrons to make libraries truly a place where everyone belongs,” this group of library administrators created The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolbox. The toolbox is meant to aid library staff and trustees in creating, implementing, or amending DEI initiatives and policies.
The toolbox covers some foundations of antiracism work, including a broad “Glossary of Diversity & Inclusion Terms,” and states sample scopes and guiding principles for incorporating clear equity and diversity work into library policies. It also raises “questions to consider” for Board of Trustees diversity and recruitment, and highlights many resources to “spark a conversation” for staff development and education, including reading lists, various TED Talks, and information for better understanding concepts of privilege, unconscious bias, and microaggressions. Sample policies for committing to equitable hiring and promotions practices, as well as suggested action steps and sample procedures for employees who have been impacted by discrimination in the workplace, are all covered in one comprehensive document. While this toolbox was specifically created with local libraries in mind, much of the information shared can be useful to other types of institutions working on improved DEI initiatives as well.
Are you aware of, or have you been a part of, any local or regional committees that have created resources for antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives? If you would like to see these resources shared in a future blog post, please let us know through email at info@DHPSNY.org, or connect with us on the DHPSNY Facebook page or DHPSNY Community Facebook Group.
This post is part of a biweekly blog series on sharing information, promoting resources, encouraging discussion, and amplifying the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) doing antiracism work in archives, museums, history sites, and library special collections. DHPSNY is committed to supporting the diverse network of collecting institutions that safeguard and ensure access to historical records and library research materials across New York State. To learn more, visit our first blog post in the series.
To access the full list of resources in this series, visit our Antiracism Resources links spreadsheet.
Image: Screenshot from the Nassau County Library Association Website.