The DHPSNY team is excited to continue to offer Planning & Assessment Services in 2021, having spent time in 2020 perfecting our approach to a safe, virtual delivery. On March 10, Join Program Manager Anastasia Matijkiw to learn more about DHPSNY’s Planning & Assessment Services, including what virtual assessments entail, how to apply, and more.
DHPSNY's Planning & Assessments: A Crash Course
Presenter: Anastasia Matijkiw, Program Manager, Documentary Heritage and preservation Services for New York
Date: Thursday, March 11
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Click here to register.
DHPSNY’s Planning & Assessment Services consist of Archival Needs Assessments, Preservation Surveys, Condition Surveys, and Strategic Planning Assistance. In each instance, our services aim to improve adherence to best practices and are tailored to an organization’s unique circumstances. The deadline for the next round of applications for DHPSNY planning and assessment services is March 26, 2021.
About the Presenter
Anastasia Matijkiw
Program Manager, Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York
Pronouns: she/her/hers
As the Program Manager for Documentary Heritage and Preservation Services for New York, Anastasia Matijkiw oversees every aspect of DHPSNY, including coordinating educational programs, communications, outreach, and planning and assessment programs. Before joining DHPSNY, Anastasia worked as the Surveying & Outreach Archivist for the Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories (HCI-PSAR) at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, where she surveyed and assessed collections at local small repositories and managed educational programming on archival concepts for their staff. Prior to that position, Anastasia was the Preservation Services Assistant at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts. She has also worked at the Carnegie Museum of Art, the Preservation Department of the University of Pittsburgh Library System, and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. Anastasia received her MLIS in Archives, Preservation, and Records Management at the University of Pittsburgh and her BA in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania.