In our most recent live webinar presentation, Julia Novakovic, Archivist at the Strong Museum of Play, discussed caring for endangered media formats such as floppy disks, u-matic tapes, and data tapes, which pose difficult preservation questions for collecting institutions. These increasingly obsolete media formats are sometimes pushed to the side when organizing and preserving archival collections, simply because we often don't know what to do with them. In this webinar, Julia shares her experience with identifying and caring for endangered media formats, as well as topics such as developing surveys for media collections, finding reference information on these formats, and determining next steps for what you might want to do once you have these numbers.
Click here to view the recording.
Click here to download the slideshow.
Click here to download the resources guide.
Join us on Thursday, July 15, 2021 for our next webinar Understanding and Managing Liability Insurance Needs for Historical Societies and Museums. Learn more and register on our Webinars page:
Presented free of charge to New York institutions, DHPSNY education programs address the needs of professionals and volunteers responsible for the care and handling of historical records. Our webinars address emerging issues and best practices, with content scaled to apply to small- and medium-sized organizations with limited resources.