Understanding Archives Workshop Begins in Highland November 15


DHPSNY's first workshop of the season, Understanding Archives: An Introduction to Archival Basics, begins next week on Tuesday, November 15, at the Southeastern New York Library Resource Council in Highland. From there, we'll head to Crandall Public Library in Glens Falls for another presentation on Thursday, November 17, and SUNY Buffalo State on Tuesday, November 29. There's still plenty of time left to register for all three installments!

Click here to learn more and register.

It's also not too late to register for today's webinar, Collections Care Basics: Agents of Deterioration. Join DHPSNY Program Coordinator Anastasia Matijkiw as she provides an introduction to collections care basics through the ten agents of deterioration: physical force; theft and vandalism; fire; water; pests; pollutants; light; incorrect temperature; incorrect relative humidity; and custodial neglect. A description of the agents, the hazards they pose, and preventive measures will be presented.

Click here to learn more and register.



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